English IV
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Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Processes of peacemaking and peace building around the world
To be a peacemaker is the most difficult job in the world, but it is not impossible. Along with the year we have been seen icons who are been remembered thru the generation. As the first example we can mention our Lord Jesus Christ who was killed just to prophesy the peace and love between the human kinds. However, we do not need to be so extraordinary in order to make the different or even just to contribute in having a better world. It seen to be that people who look for war between the populations had better luck
We do not have to wait for a big opportunity, nor it going to appear in front to us. The different is on us, it is on every day of our lives. There are people who expose their own lives for a better quality of other people’s live. Nelson Mandela, as an example, sacrificed his family, his privacy and his freedom for the equal rights of the African people. This fight took more than a single day, but at the end an entire nation is enjoying today the benefits of his scarify. He did not use any sign of violence, guns or practice that would place a life in danger. On the other hand, when he got into the government, he did not take his power again those who send him to prison for almost three decades.
Even in the worse scenery there are place to contribute to the process of peacemaking. By the time of the Second World War, when the Nazis took over Europe and went against the Jude people to kill them, many people help to hide them in order to save their lives. If we look back we will find many histories about it. Thanks to this people there are still Jude people who survived to the war. Even thought they took advantage in certain way because their situation, they help them even with the minimum sign of care. The best seller movie Schindler’s List tell about a Germany guy who represent a true history lived during the WWII. This is not easy to have it done, but if he did it, why we cannot.
Those are just few examples of what we can do when we want it do to it. There are many people we can mention but what they did is done, and now it is our opportunity to write in the book of life. “The power of one is to do something… anything”, we hear it constantly but nobody wants to step ahead. The process of a peace-building may kill you, but if you decided to go for it, your name will live forever.
La lista de Schindler. On http://www.hoycinema.com/sinopsis/lista-Schindler-1993.htm Access on December 08, 2010.
Invictus. On http://www.lahiguera.net/cinemania/pelicula/3579/sinopsis.php Access on December 08, 2010
International Online Training Program On Intractable Conflic. On: http://www.colorado.edu/conflict/peace/treatment/peacemkg.htm Access on December 08, 2010.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Destiny's Poem
Jose Miguel Monge Fallas
The star of my life
From the highest of the sky
into the darkness of the night
I am looking for light
that is ruling my own life.
I keep fighting for the right
to change the way in my life
and before the day I’ll die
I would change the light in the sky.
Get away from me destiny
what is this pain that you make me feel?
let me build my own destiny
and with happiness this pain I would heal.
I still fighting in my life
to change the star in the sky
and as an owner of my life
this light every day will shine.
I have the control of my destiny
I have the control of my life
I changed the start in the sky
And the light, even in a clear day will shine.
Picture taken from: http://www.google.co.cr/imgres?imgurl=http://www.space-screensavers.com/images/free/freestar/big3.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.space-screensavers.com/free-star-screensaver.html&usg=__slH7RS_Bs-DFgv4qPqeK_Qs9wdo=&h=480&w=640&sz=37&hl=es&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=rSmC9P6I8ssinM:&tbnh=129&tbnw=172&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dspace%2Bstar%26hl%3Des%26biw%3D1362%26bih%3D559%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=125&ei=9Bj8TNK1N4P68AaO2vn8Cg&oei=0xj8TJKCKYy2nAeji-zICg&esq=8&page=1&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:12,s:0&tx=76&ty=76
Current jail sentences for drunk drivers
In Costa Rica, the new law is seen to be taken as a joke for the drunk drivers. Actually, it is one of the biggest causes of death in our country. The current law is taken down by many reasons, and one of this is the Supreme Court. Meanwhile, the number of accidents is raising and the families that looses their still growing up, the drivers who irresponsible drink and drive, are still outside enjoying this big mistake.
By the beginning of this year, the transit law took one step ahead. It seen to be “the beginning of the end,” of what is one of the biggest problems in our country. Unfortunately, drunk drivers need more than a stricter law to change their attitude. When the first drunk driver case when to court in Jan 22, 2010, for the new law has a short victory; even thought, few days later the victim was running free on the street. By the middle of this year, the number of accidents still being the same compare to the last year. Once again the law was not enough reason for the drunk drivers to stop their behavior behind the wheels. What supposed to rule the street is being dismissed by those who supposed to follow it.
With the first case in Jan 22, every turned upside down when the defendant send the case to the Supreme Court. The game started again between the Supreme Court and the “Sala cuarta”. This never-ending game is taken down the law, giving the opportunity to the law’s broker to play with the law. It really difficult to understands what laws are against? and what laws are made in favor of the criminals?. Everything looks like the law depends on the meaning that the judge gives it, and from where you are coming, so if you have relatives in the government, you are saving by their shields.
Every time there is a drunk driver on the streets, there is not just their live in danger. Every year many innocent lives are taken, and complete families are destroyed thanks to those irresponsible drivers. We can remember how this year, a U.C.R student was killed on a Saturday morning by a teenager who did not have a legal age to drive and by the way he was driving under the alcohol effects. Is it the problem of the law or is it the society? More than a simple live in dangerous, it could be my live next that would be in the middle of a drunk drivers way.
There is nothing in having a beautiful country, full of peace and freedom, if we are not safe. Our country needs to be educated, and our system needs to be more effective against those who broke the law. A drunk driver in the street is similar to a fired gun in the darkness, and the next victim could be me, could be you.
http://white-collar-crime.lawyers.com/Jail-Sentences-Get-Harsher-for-White-Collar-Crime.html retrieved on November 13, 2010
Picture taken from: http://www.google.co.cr/imgres?imgurl=http://image.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/78056/78056,1176884042,1/stock-photo-simple-math-drunk-driving-poster-black-and-red-3108213.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-3108213/stock-photo-simple-math-drunk-driving-poster-black-and-red.html&usg=__R-keoS_LJ8kRHPGBCQUVQdvD17Q=&h=470&w=450&sz=45&hl=es&start=23&zoom=1&tbnid=e_CdIgY8IovDZM:&tbnh=126&tbnw=121&prev=/images%3Fq%3DCurrent%2Bjail%2Bsentences%2Bfor%2Bdrunk%2Bdrivers%26hl%3Des%26sa%3DG%26biw%3D1362%26bih%3D559%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C594&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=121&vpy=71&dur=47&hovh=229&hovw=220&tx=125&ty=128&ei=iBf8TOWQE4G88gaqkYjPCw&oei=Nxf8TNG-AsK_nAfN24zJCg&esq=12&page=2&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:23&biw=1362&bih=559
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Causes and effects of of Globalization
Waiting for the aprovation from teacher...
Picture taken from: http://www.google.co.cr/imgres?imgurl=http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs24/f/2008/013/c/f/Globalization_by_Guille3691.png&imgrefurl=http://www.themartianview.com/2010/08/tax-dollars-are-being-used-to-train.html&usg=__y9KLlVXFf8QSB3qa907aC1Lx0Ew=&h=768&w=1024&sz=621&hl=es&start=116&zoom=1&tbnid=gpna33eTxcTrEM:&tbnh=116&tbnw=155&prev=/images%3Fq%3Deffects%2Bof%2Bglobalization%26um%3D1%26hl%3Des%26biw%3D1291%26bih%3D537%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C2177&um=1&itbs=1&ei=X3fgTNOREcP48Abl1PHADw&biw=1291&bih=537&iact=rc&dur=210&oei=RHfgTLmWDYnPnAfrlN32Dg&esq=7&page=6&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:15,s:116&tx=93&ty=46
Ethnic and racial conflict
All the conflict brings trouble most of the time, and the ethnic and racial conflict are not an exception. The ethnic conflict responds to a nationalist, and most of those coming after the cold war; meanwhile, some other ethnic conflicts had its own history. On the other hand, racial conflict is more likely to discriminate because the pigmentation of the skin. Nevertheless, these two kinds of conflict are related to end in a war crimes and even genocide. Even though we are living in the twenty one century, the different between ethnic or racial groups still going on.
Every ethnic or racial conflicts, bolt has its own history with the time. For example, when Sudan was the old empire of Nubian, it was conquered by Egypt thousands of years ago. After a few years, this nation got its freedom, but not for too long. In modern era, Egypt conquered again this country after 50 years of war like a never ending drama. Another example is the situation in the U.S., where the Afro-American people were, at the beginning, taken as slaves and they were treated just because their dark pigmentation as an inferior group. Commonly, when we see an ethnic or racial conflict anywhere, it must have a background hide in the past.
Any ethnical or racial conflict seen to be is taken again the minor group of people. As an example, no other group stands out for its trouble relationship with the white majority, and for its persistently disadvantaged socioeconomic status than the African-American group. Not just because they are more visible or because they have their own customs, but because they represent the minority in a society. Across the years the people tend to be the one who dominated the other one, no matter who they are. Some of those minorities are created by groups of people who migrate looking for a better life, but they do not realize they would be rejected by the society there they expect to join. Are we acting as our bodies react again whatever is not from itself?
Even in our days, the ethnic and racial conflict still in our society. Proof enough is to look our self and the way we think about our brothers from Central America. Are we superior just because the way how we look? It is a stereotype or is real? It is not enough reason being living in a globalized world, in order to leave behind the different between us as an equal right people? In the Middle East, the ethnic conflicts still are one of the worst problems of the area, but not just there, everywhere in the world even in our neighborhood something, somehow we reject somebody just because their different. Some of the reasons to create a conflict in those days are the religion, language, body size or pigmentation, and some of those are seen in developed countries like U.S. or the poor ones like in Africa.
Is Ethnic and racial conflict inevitable? The future is in our hands, and; as a result, we need to move on and leave all the different created in the past. There is not a superhuman race, as many people think in the past, and there is not someone inferior just because they are different. In the same way the fingers of our hands are different, all and every human are different, but it does not mean we need to treat them different. As humans, we have the same rights, same opportunities and the only way to end it well, is if we change the way we think.
Ethnic and racial groups in the USA: Conflict and cooperation. From http://www.unu.edu/unupress/unupbooks/uu12ee/uu12ee0o.htm Retrieved October 27, 2010
Is Ethnic Conflict Inevitable? http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/64457/james-habyarimana-macartan-humphreys-daniel-posner-jeremy-weinst/is-ethnic-conflict-inevitable Retrieved October 27, 2010
Ethnic conflict http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_conflict Retrieved October 27, 2010
On the Theory of Ethnic Conflict http://faculty.fuqua.duke.edu/~coleman/web/ethnic.pdf Retrieved October 27, 2010
Conflictos raciales en África han sido origen de Matanzas From: http://www.listin.com.do/la-republica/2009/3/25/95730/print Retrieved October 27, 2010
Picture taken from: http://www.google.co.cr/imgres?imgurl=http://gulfshoressteven.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/ethnic-conflict001.jpg&imgrefurl=http://qwickstep.com/search/ethnic-conflicts.html&usg=__KnTLjzYPwV1H_rK9BTpFNVj89zY=&h=595&w=793&sz=116&hl=es&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=KvQALJsJRz737M:&tbnh=126&tbnw=102&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dethnic%2Bconflicts%26um%3D1%26hl%3Des%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1291%26bih%3D537%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=140&ei=OHbgTMfDF8SbnweDst2TDw&oei=OHbgTMfDF8SbnweDst2TDw&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0&tx=44&ty=50
Globalization of infectious diseases
In order to understand better what globalization of infectious disease is, is important to understand the meaning of globalization. In our days, the globalization has reached all the areas that have to do with the humankind. It influences not just information, but also goods, capital and people across political or even geographic boundaries. However, it is not always for good. With the globalization the spread of diseases has increased through the history and unfortunately, it is becoming more dangerous every day. By itself, globalization does not distinguish borders, even if those are natural borders like mountains, valleys or an entire ocean. In the same way, some of the most deathliest infectious diseases are being developed so quickly that now it is possible to understand why what we call globalization is part of the spread of deathliest diseases. Globalization of infectious diseases does not refer to one single set of illnesses but rather to a broad group of widely varying conditions. This problem is even bigger when non-communicable group of diseases from a determined area or country is becoming part of the list of the infectious one.
The causes of the globalization of infectious diseases are varied. In the 18th century, the most important example of this kind of globalization was the bubonic plague and the influenza of various types, in which the main reason was the shipment of grains and other food from Asia to Europe. It might take months, even years at that time, to propagate itself in the whole continent; even though, now it can take just a few days to be a pandemic. For example, just three days after the world cup was celebrated in South Africa, there were malaria cases in 7 countries of America, and some other countries of Europe and Asia. The easiest and fastest way to travel from one country to another one help to those diseases to propagate quickly, making the problem worse. In addition, the climate change is another root cause of this propagation. Now is common to find cases of non-communicable diseases from Africa or South America in the north part of Europe or North America. With the global warming many viruses find more acceptable conditions to reproduce themselves in areas that were not common to find it years ago. For those reasons, the globalization of infectious diseases is getting stronger and it is propagating quickly.
As a consequence, of this globalization of infectious diseases, many people are exposed to stronger illness due to the immunization that those are getting to certain medicines. Second, not all the people has the same immunity, it may vary depending of the region or country where they live. As an example, it is mandatory for the United Stated citizens who travel to the areas in danger, to get a treatment against any kind of disease present in the area of visit. It is important to understand that the people who live in areas, with common diseases, could get immune to those illnesses. Consequently, once they travel to a foreign country, they can carry diseases and not necessary they can be affected to them. Also, in some countries, millions of Children are growing without the present of their parent, because a disease like VIH has taken from them. Those are just some examples of the consequences that the globalization of infectious diseases is bring in.
A disease can be transmitted by airborne, waterborne, blood-borne, by direct contact or even through a vector like insects. It is not possible to eradicate it, but is our responsibility to keep it controlled. As human began to traveling overseas and across land, it is important research information about diseases which are common in the area. In that way, they can take control before they come back to the home place, in order to reduce the possibility of spread diseases and cause million of dollars to control it and any lose of lives.
Durand, Steven. Executive Summary - The Globalization of Infectious Disease. From http://www.prcdc.org/files/Infectious_Disease.pdf Retrieved October 20, 2010
Dr. Daulaire. Globalization and Health. From http://www.globalhealth.org/assets/html/drmed3.html Retrieved October 20, 2010
Globalization and disease from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Globalization_and_disease Retrieved October 20, 2010
Picture taken from: http://www.google.co.cr/imgres?imgurl=http://www.vtmagazine.vt.edu/fall08/images/Web.disease.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.vtmagazine.vt.edu/fall08/ontheweb.html&usg=__AVdpL4jK8-YANvyzA8-yzFc_AAI=&h=300&w=494&sz=73&hl=es&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=ASkJt2vxilboOM:&tbnh=101&tbnw=167&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dinfectious%2Bdiseases%26hl%3Des%26gbv%3D2%26biw%3D1291%26bih%3D537%26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=559&vpy=219&dur=940&hovh=175&hovw=288&tx=159&ty=97&ei=3XTgTMXzFMH48AbhlsDSDw&oei=LXTgTPyDKY6UnwfyoYGRDw&esq=6&page=1&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:0
Impact of migration on receiving countries
Migration is a population displacement from their original place to another one, which implies a change of the habitual residence. Migration is a phenomenon present along with the human history. Since the beginning of the humankind, the nomads were people who used to travel long journeys in the search for a better life. Some other cultures or religions have as a referent any kind of migration, for example the exodus of the Jude people from Egypt. In this topic the main reasons are political, economical or natural disasters which move the people to emigrate.
Every reason has different consequences. The economical one has positive reason for the country from which the people emigrate, but it implies an economical dependency. On the other hand, it seen to be there are only negative consequences for the country who receive the immigration, or that is the way how those countries show it to the world. Some groups again the immigration says it increase the unemployment, decrease the salaries, and recharge the social services offered by the state. At the end, every time there is a developed country, it has to deal with the immigration from countries where they do not have the same level of develop.
A good consequence of the immigration is that almost all the immigrants are in the age between 20 and 39 years old. A youngest population means there are more active people than the others side of the population whose are younger than 20 or older than 65 years old. Nevertheless, those people who immigrate are not good enough educated in order to have good jobs; moreover, they have to do the dirty jobs for a lower rate or even a same job for an immigrant mean lower payment. All the bad consequences are reflected in the country’s development which would see how it gets broken. “’Subsidising immigrants’ isn't sufficient, Germany has the right to ‘make demands’ on them” said the chancellor Merkel, referring to the immigrants in Germany.
The most notable consequence is the social or cultural behavior that changes along with immigrants. Most of the countries, in which the number of immigrant is considerable, have separate colonies or group of people with their own cultures and traditions. In those cases they want to keep their own languages, believes, food, and even celebrations; however, some of those traditions are not well accepted in the country they choose. “The country was being made ‘more stupid’ by poorly educated and unproductive Muslim migrants with headscarves”. "This approach has failed, totally," Merkel said, adding that “immigrants should integrate and adopt Germany's culture and values”.
Immigration is always the reason of bad news for a developed country; however, it does not have to be always true. For example, after the Katrina hurricane in New Orleans, immigrants reconstructed the entire city in where most of the native emigrated in search of a safer place to live but; in contrast, those immigrants have been discriminated by federal laws and business practices. In these days where the globalization is everywhere around the globe, the developed countries has to change their rules again the immigrants and stop look at them as a problem. Those countries have to see them as part of the develop they have, as the immigrants have to adopt their rules as the new country in where they live. Without job opportunities there are not immigrants who want to refill those vacant. The dependency between a rich country and poor one always is going to coexist.
Futuros. Consecuencias económicas de la migración. At http://www.revistafuturos.info/futuros_11/migracion_econ.html. Last access on Sunday October 17, 2010.
Audrey Kauffmann. Merkel says German multi-cultural society has failed. At http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20101017/wl_afp/germanymuslimreligionimmigration. Last access on Sunday October 17, 2010.
Picture taken from: http://socyberty.com/society/migration-in-india-2/
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