Sunday, November 14, 2010

Weapons Prolifaration

Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

Sometimes is difficult to understand how the humans are the only animal kind with the capacity to destroy itself and others creatures. Actually, there are enough weapons to destroy the entire world if necessary. According to the free dictionary the proliferation of nuclear weapons means “The process by which one nation after another comes into possession of, or into the right to determine the use of, nuclear weapons; each nation becomes potentially able to launch a nuclear attack upon another nation”. But, that is not it; the biological or chemical weapons are considering the most dangerous threats of this century. Is this world where we want our child live?
Actually there are eight countries that used nuclear weapons satisfactorily. Five of those countries are members of Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) which are Russia, United Stated, France, United Kingdom and China. On the other hand, three others countries are using nuclear weapons but they are not members of the NPT; those are India, Pakistan and North Korea. Meanwhile, Israel, Iran and Saudi Arabia are suspicious of being developing nuclear weapons. The NPT or NNPT limit the spread of nuclear weapons and since 1970 has 189 estates members of it.
Another kind of weapon which can cause mass destruction is the biological one, also known as biological warfare that is used by terrorist. That includes the use of pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, or any other toxins which are produced by them as biological weapons, also known as bioweapons. In 2002 was estimated that Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Libya and Syria has possessed this kind of mass destruction weapons and also United Stated who is the major possessor of those in the world. For this reason, in 2003 Iraq was invaded in an operation led by United Stated. Those weapons are internationally controlled by Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), but if a nation uses is clandestinely, it would be considered as a bioterrorism.
On the other hand, chemicals weapons are consider as mass destruction weapons regardless of numerous efforts to reduce or eliminate them. While there are nations which continue to research or stockpile chemicals weapon, many states have joined the Chemical Weapon Convention which required the destruction of all of them by 2012. There are twelve nations that have declared its productions and six other ones have declared stockpiles. Although all those nations declared its productions facilities have been destroyed others seventeen nations currently have active chemical weapons programs according to the United Stated government. Again the nations of Iran, North Korea, Russia and United States are some of which have chemical weapons.
Finally, radiological weapon, also known as radiological dispersion device (RDD) is another kind of mass destruction weapons. This one could be any weapon used to spread radioactive material, in order to kill or cause disruption upon a city or nation. It is known as a dirty bomb or salted bomb and it used conventional explosives to spread radioactive material, same used in radiological medical equipment.
Weapon of mass destruction is not just explosives which would kill people. It is known the use of nuclear power on space explorations; on the other hand, biological ones could be use again illegal plantation of coca for example. Also we know the use of chemical agents on personal defense like the famous “gas mostaza” and of course, the use of radioactivity at hospitals. As an example of peace living nation we need to make us hear and express our displeasure by the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction before it would be too late.

The free dictionary at accessed on October 03, 2010.
Armas de destrucción masiva at accessed on October 03, 2010. at accessed on October 03, 2010.
Weapon of mass destruction at accessed on October 03, 2010.

Picture taken from:,r:1,s:68&tx=39&ty=29


  1. thinking that all these weapons of mass destruction should be illegal because of the damage that produces, not only in humans, in which they could be murder, also it could deform the human; also every living thing, and actually every thing that surrounds whenever these weapons are used.

  2. it's true what you say about that man is the only being capable of destroying the world. I do not know how powerful may be the nuclear weapons now, but I agree with you that we have to do something about it before it's too late ...
